Sex Research

This is the instructions my professor gave us.  I have attached the article to the file.


Hey folks,

For this article, I will be looking for primarily a critique of the article, as well as your own thoughts (inspired by the Sex Research lecture) about an experiment you could carry out moving forward (related to the topic of course).

Here is how it will be graded:

30% – at least 1.5 pages

5% – Clerical matters (double-spaced, 1″ margins, 12pt Times New Roman font, NO DOUBLE-SPACED HEADER)

15% – Positives of the article

15% – Negatives of the article

15% – Future direction/your own experiment

20% – Grammar and spelling >> this one is important, folks.

Since you’re all using the same one article, I am not looking for any APA-type citations.

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