Do you see the era as a heroic struggle to soldier on and maintain life and communities, or a period of unreliable and chaotic, even nihilistic politics and economy-discussion paper

Do you see the era as a heroic struggle to soldier on and maintain life and communities, or a period of unreliable and chaotic, even nihilistic politics and economy?

discussion paper

Roman empire experienced a bit of both theories, periods of unreliable and chaotic politics and economy ignited the conditions favorable for political turnover but the Roman influence of culture, economics and politics continued to live on implementing itself within the varies reigns that came into power.Unit LM- 2


The era was filled with strife with sectarianism rampant following the fall of Rome. As mentioned earlier the schism created by the oppenness only help produce differing cultures in my perception not useful for a national identity. The fractured cultures and the fractured geographies only elevated the likeliness of a part of cultural wars. Syracuse’s demise in the middle ages is just such an example of regions or states becoming susceptible to falter from being in stones throw of so many rivaling factions. As stated by David Gilmour, The Pursuit of Italy, Italy had to to be conquered or dominated by others prior to the nineteenth century (pg6-12)

The disunity existing following the fall of Rome centers on the decay in Nativist culture created by the chasm of Rome’s openness. Openness served as the united front initially, however with the creation of individual political and geographical structure boundaries led to strife with growing discontent amongst the confederations on the peninsula. UnitLC – 3

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