SBI4U, Grade 12 Biology, (University Preparation).
Population Dynamics Calculations Assignment
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Consider this logistically growing population of polar bears.
Age Interval
(In months)
# Alive at
Start of
# Alive at End of
Mortality Rate
(Age Specific)
Survivorship Rate
(Age Specific)
0-1 1056 1000
2-3 1000 0.10
4-5 0.95
6-7 0.05
8-9 0.98
10-11 0.02
14-15 0.07
16-17 0.88
18-19 0.03
20-21 0.96
See page below for questions.
SBI4U, Grade 12 Biology, (University Preparation).
Show all your work. (3 marks, C) Some of the questions may require you to do research
online. Include a proper bibliography of your sources.
1. (9 marks, K/U) Complete the table. Each cell is worth 0.25 marks.
2. (4 marks, App) Calculate the per capita death rate for individuals aged 16 to 17
months and 18 to 19 months. (Assume all loss is due to death).
3. (3 marks, App) What is zero population growth (ZPG)? Does it occur in this population?
4. (2 marks, App) You are told that a deadly virus struck this population at some point.
What interval do you think it affected? Explain.
5. (8 marks, T/I) Assuming a carrying capacity of 1200, and maximum growth rate of
0.15, calculate the population growth rate for the beginning of four intervals of your
choosing in this table.
6. (1 mark, T/I) Is it possible to find doubling time for this population? Why?
7. (6 marks, C) Conduct research online and describe different relationships polar bears
have with other species (see Chapter 12.4 for guidance) and how this affects their
survival and wellbeing
within the context of the information given in the table above.
Write one full paragraph using vocabulary from this chapter
SBI4U, Grade 12 Biology, (University Preparation) Essay Help-Population Dynamics Calculations Assignment Help
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