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Role of Data Mining
Search for a relevant and/or timely article involving data mining. Describe the role of “data mining” in the story using your own words. Try to identify the type of data analysis method used (association, classification, cluster, outlier, etc.). (100 word minimum – 300 word max). Include the link to the article.
Here is an example:
Posting Title: IBM, Mayo Clinic Take Next Data Mining Step
This story describes how Mayo clinic uses knowledge discovery tools to analyze the data on its patients in order to develop individualized care. For example, a doctor treating a patient for cancer could use data mining to find the results of treatments given to the similar patients and use this information to find the best treatment course for new patient.
Based on what I read in the textbook, I believe this is an example of classification since data mining is used to predict the best treatment based on past “training” data.
I can see how this can apply to medical treatments worldwide and have a positive long-term effect on medical delivery. As someone whose family member has cancer, I am hoping that data mining will help find a cure for her.
Source: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/95115/IBM_Mayo_Clinic_Take_Next_Data_Mining_Step