risk factors that would lead to the teen becoming pregnant

covers risk factors that would lead to the teen becoming pregnant.. Here I would like you to discuss  a risk to the teen mom who is pregnant or giving birth and explain the cause or rationale.   For example.. The pregnant teen mom is at risk for ______________   because…..

Providing and accurate answer
Adolescent pregnancy is a very risky for both the adolescent and the baby. The body of an adolescent has not fully matured enough to provide and support a growing child, let alone the adolescent as well.  The adolescent age is very important and is considered the stage where children learn to explore their sexuality while peer pressure influences their thoughts, behavior, likes and dislikes. The media also influences how adolescents perceive themselves as well as others around them. Girls are more sensitive to social media and lack of parental support, proper education on dangers of drugs, sex and violence can lead to poor health habits that are hard to break as they grow into adults.  Based on Center of Disease and Control (CDC) the rate of adolescent pregnancy had decreased by 9% from 2013 to 2014. In California, the rate of adolescent pregnancy ages 15- 19 years of age has decreased to 25.7 % out of every 1,000 females in the past 10 years according to the California Department of Public health. The decrease in adolescent/ teen birth rates is said to be contributed to social media depiction of teen pregnancy and the hardship of teen pregnancy, along with the increased sexual education programs in school and family planning along with the range of contraceptives available. However, the rate of adolescent pregnancy is still higher in US than other countries. In 2014 about 249,078 babies were given birth to by women ages 15 to 19 years old (“About teen pregnancy”, 2015).

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