evel 6 Interim Written Assessment [50 Marks]

Write a limerick which includes words associated with your field of study’s professional requirements (as described in the text for RICS or CIOB on pages 1-6). [5 Marks]
Provide a CLAIM for Townhouse permit rejection point 8 (found on page 83). [15 Marks]
The relevant CLAIM “law” is in the Land Law section of the text. Use these principles in structuring your arguments.
The CLAIM “analysis” should be framed by:
the issues brought up in the Townhouse rejection point 8, and
the noise criteria assessed in the AAD report, found in Land Documents (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Goods Analysis – the facade system was revised to in order to reduce noise pollution as part of the redesign process. This caused some problems and you will have to provide a goods CLAIM analysis for this scenario. Goods Documents (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..                                                                                  [15 Marks]
Services Analysis – the changes to the façade caused delay under the Contract. Realistic documents which outline a hypothetical disputes associated with the Townhouse project can be found in Service Documents (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..  Please use these documents as support for your delay analysis associated with the noise pollution changes on the Townhouse project.          [15 Marks]

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