Construct a Review Paper for a Draft of Literature Findings-Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each piece

Review Paper—Draft of Literature Findings

Review Paper—Draft of Literature Findings

Evaluate the evidence. Create a draft of the findings of the resources you have selected and how they contribute to our knowledge of this problem. Be sure to address each of the following items in your draft:

1.  Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each piece.

2.  If the resources talk to each other (that is, if they support or contrast with one another), explain how and why.

3.  What does the evidence tell us?

4.  Is there another possible explanation you can think of?  Based on what you have read, what is your hypothesis?  In other words, what is your explanation for the findings?

5.  How can you refine your question or topic even further, now that you have described the findings?




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