review of Latino Films

EWS 375.03 Film Review.1


Prepare a 3-4 page film review of one of the Latino Films posted on Black Board (double-space).  Review is due, Thur. Jan.18, 2018.


  1. Title of film, lead actors & actresses, studio name, year the film released, and film genre (action, thriller, romance, adventure, musical, war, western, fantasy, political, comedy, family, history, documentary, crime, etc.). Who is the director? Is it a mainstream or independent film? Who are the main characters?


  1. What is or are the main problem(s) or issue(s) addressed in the film and how does this relate to the issue(s) discussed in this course? How does the issue(s), problem (s) get resolved, or does it?


  1. Discuss the role of ethnicity in the film. Are Latinos (and other ethnic group represented) drawn as variations of stereotypes? Do they challenge and/or reinforce stereotypes studied in this course.


  1. Discuss the role of gender/sexual orientation in the film. Are women and men drawn as variations of stereotypes? Do they challenge and/or reinforce stereotypes studied in this course?


  1. Discuss the role of social class in the film (working class, professional class, poor, rich, small business, etc.). What do the characters do for a living? Does the story challenge or reinforce class hierarchies and distinctions?


  1. How would you rate the film (1-10). Did you enjoy the film? What is your critique of the film? Connect the film to the The Bronze Screen and Latinos Beyond Reel videos we viewed in class.





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