Response Paper Assignment Help-The Clash Between Shiee and Sunni of Iraq: Throwing the sectarian division in Iraq and the region into the equation and considering the last 50+ years of Iraq and the recent Shiee Sunni conflict, where do you see Iraq is going if the clashes continue or stop?

Response Paper Assignment Help-The Clash Between Shiee and Sunni of Iraq: Throwing the sectarian division in Iraq and the region into the equation and considering the last 50+ years of Iraq and the recent Shiee Sunni conflict, where do you see Iraq is going if the clashes continue or stop?

General Guidelines and Requirements for Your Third Paper:
What should I write in my paper?
The last few classes we have been talking about Shiees and Sunnies of Iraq, the origin of
the differences between the two sects. Most Iraqis believe that there was no conflict between
the two sects prior to 2003 war but others believe that the conflict had long ago existed before
2003. A. Wardi in chapter 7 and 8 talks about Iraq and depicts Iraq as a country of continuous
clashes, tribes against tribes, cities against cities, communities against communities, and even
people against the government. He does not touch upon the Shiee and Sunni clash though!
Throwing the sectarian division in Iraq and the region into the equation and considering the last
50+ years of Iraq and the recent Shiee Sunni conflict, where do you see Iraq is going if the
clashes continue or stop? Is there a way to stop the conflict if so what?
Your paper should discuss and reflect your understanding of our class readings and
discussions. Please refer to the video-lecture and our readings as much as you can. If you would
like to refer to an outside source please make sure that you give as much details as possible of
your outside source. Should you refer to an English translation of an Arabic source or viceversa,
please make sure that you state the name of the translator and when and where the
translation appeared.
This is an opinion paper, please express your opinion freely BUT please make sure that you
support your opinion with a strong argument from our readings or reliable outside sources.
Wikipedia is NOT reliable!
How much should I write?
Your paper should not exceed 3 pages, no title page is required.
How should I write my paper?
1- Your paper should confirm to American Psychological Association (APA) writing style,
please consult
2- Your paper should be written in 12 point and Times-New Roman font, double spaced.
3- Standard one inch margins are required.
4- Do not over space or add any clip arts or graphic images.
5- You should use Standard American English OR Modern Standard Arabic when writing
your paper, no slang or dialect usages are permitted.
6- Your paper should be submitted in a PDF format.
1- Please check your paper for plagiarism. All submitted papers will be checked via various
E-plagiarism evaluation software.
2- Please do not write your paper 20 minutes before the deadline!
3- Make sure you spell-check and proofread your paper more than once.
4- Before submission, please read your paper aloud to yourself to make sure that it makes

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