Research Papers: Outline endogenous growth theory. Can it be used to explain the high rate of growth in newly industrialized Asian economies?

Research Papers: Outline endogenous growth theory. Can it be used to explain the high rate of growth in newly industrialized Asian economies?

Question: Outline endogenous growth theory. Can it be used to explain the high rate of growth in newly industrialised Asian economies? (2,000 words)

— Definition of New Growth (endogenous) Theory, its characteristics (R&D, innovation and so on) and emphasis on Human Capital and other related aspects as engines of growth

— Discuss briefly on government role, externalities and necessities of protection in this model

— Choose some fast growing NIEs in Asia, discuss with some statistics and evidences of the growth

— Argue your case if you think the growth stories of chosen countries can be explained in the light of this theory.

— Conclusion:  reinforcing your argument here by summarising them.

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