Research Paper- Why would a rural resident of a country in Sub-Saharan Africa move to a city slum?

Research Paper- Why would a rural resident of a country in Sub-Saharan Africa move to a city slum?

6) Why has resource wealth in Sub-Saharan Africa not translated into wealth for Sub-Saharan African countries and what measures are being undertaken to retain more profits for these countries?

7) Which colonial style of governance was most devastating to Africa.

8) Why would a rural resident of a country in Sub-Saharan Africa move to a city slum?

 9) How have/will HIV/AIDS and gender inequalities affect future development in Sub-Saharan Africa?

10) How can cell phones promote development in Sub-Saharan Africa?

11) South Sudan broke away from Sudan in 2011. Explain at least one reason why Nigeria has avoided splintering in this way.

12) How was

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