Research Paper-What role did mass media (Movies, Radio) have in shaping American culture and Identity in the 1920s

Research Paper-What role did mass media (Movies, Radio) have in shaping American culture and Identity in the 1920s

Read [] , chapter 22 consider

1.What strategies did industry employ to encourage consumer spending?

2.What role did mass media (Movies, Radio) have in shaping American culture and Identity in the 1920s

3. The 1920s are often called the decade of the “New Woman”. What was so “new” about her? Do you think she was a significant departure from women in the progressive era? Explain

1. What was so “new” about the “New Negro”?

2. How did Fundamentalism differ from the liberal Christianity of the social gospel? (you might need to look at your answer from question set 5)

3. Generally speaking, who belonged to the New Klan? What motivated people to join?

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