Research Paper-The Social and Economic Environment of Texas Politics


Research Paper-The Social and Economic Environment of Texas Politics

The Social and Economic Environment of Texas Politics

Do you think federalism is easy to achieve or hard to achieve and why? Give me an example to back up your opinion – i.e. if you think it is hard to balance the rights of the federal government with the rights of the states give me an example and explain a time when it was hard.

Do you think states should have their own immigration laws or should the national government have immigration laws and the states should have to follow one set of laws? Why? Fully explain.

Do you think the United States Supreme Court had the right to make a law regarding same sex marriage or did the United State Supreme Court overstep its bounds and cross into state’s rights since marriage falls to the states to regulate? Fully explain your answer.

Pick someone in a Texas County Government that is discussed in the Chapter (pages 109-113) – or someone in a Texas County Government – research that person to learn more about them and write me at least one paragraph about that person and what you learned (i.e. research the Dallas County District Attorney and write me a paragraph about what you learned) – anyone you are interested in learning about on the County level.

Research the most recent session of the Texas Legislature. The session ended on May 29, 2017 and there was also a special session called. You can research the session on any of your favorite search engines and see what came out of the session. Write me at least one paragraph about a piece of legislation that was passed and explain it and tell me what you think about it – what is your opinion of it and why? My goal is that you see it is reallyeasy to research “legislation passed in 85th Texas Legislature” or “legislation passed in most recent session of Texas Legislature” and you will always do this your whole life to track what is going on in the Texas Legislature during, after, and between sessions.

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