Research Paper-Porter’s diamond model/local clusters in a global economy as the theoretical framework to critically assess how the home nation/cluster of a chosen company spurred it on to gain competitive advantage in international markets

Research Paper-Porter’s diamond model/local clusters in a global economy as the theoretical framework to critically assess how the home nation/cluster of a chosen company spurred it on to gain competitive advantage in international markets

The assignment requires to use Porter’s diamond model/local clusters in a global economy as the theoretical framework to critically assess how the home nation/cluster of a chosen company spurred it on to gain competitive advantage in international markets (please see the article by Michael Porter, ‘The Competitive Advantage of Nations’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 68 no. 2, 1990, 73-93 in the course handbook and also select ONE company on the Statista list of most profitable companies in 2015 ( Please ensure you choose a company for which you can obtain information and data to allow analysis of its cluster using Porter’s theory (NB. Porter’s diamond model looks at the context of the cluster/nation NOT the firm itself) (a) The assignment is an ACADEMIC ESSAY, not a business report. We expect students to apply Porter’s cluster theory to explain the origin of your chosen firm’s competitive advantage. Essays that provided purely a description (no analysis) OR purely provide a description of the literature will attract low marks. (b) The word count is [2000 (-/+10%)] and excludes references. Diagrams and figures would be counted as casorganisation (no analysis) OR purely provide a description of the literature will attract low marks.

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