Research Paper-How will the subsystem change affect the two other subsystems within the organization that you have identified and how will you realign the total system?

Research Paper-How will the subsystem change affect the two other subsystems within the organization that you have identified and how will you realign the total system?

1.Provide an overview of the organization you have chosen including three subsystems (Departments/Functions) of the organization, three stakeholders (who are stakeholdes?) of the organization, and the reason for selecting this organization. (Rationale for choosing the organization – your teams connection to this)


3.How will the subsystem change affect the two other subsystems within the organization that you have identified and how will you realign the total system?

4.Identify and explain how you would ensure that the proposed change will satisfy any three stakeholders of the organization?

i)How should the organization attract, develop, and maintain the workforce required to bring about your proposed change?

(a) Choose at least one of the following (human resource planning, recruitment, or selection) in your discussion about attracting a quality workforce to support the change to the subsystem/stakeholders if appropriate/Total System

(b) Choose at least one of the following: employee orientation, training and development, or performance appraisal in your discussion about developing a quality workforce to support the change to the subsystem/stakeholders if appropriate/Total System – Also how does this align for what you chose for “a” above

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