Research Paper Help-What is value chain analysis? What does the firm gain by successfully using this tool

Research Paper Help-What is value chain analysis? What does the firm gain by successfully using this tool

What is value chain analysis? What does the firm gain by successfully using this tool?

How do firms identify internal strengths and weaknesses? Why is it vital that managers have a clear understanding of their firm’s strengths and weaknesses?

What is market commonality? What is resource similarity? What does it mean to say that these concepts are the building blocks for a competitor analysis?

Who are competitors? How are competitive rivalry, competitive behavior, and competitive dynamics defined in the chapter?

How do awareness, motivation, and ability affect the firm’s competitive behavior?

What factors affect the likelihood that a firm will take a competitive action?

What factors affect the likelihood a firm will initiate a competitive response to a competitor’s action(s)?

What competitive dynamics can be expected among firms competing in slow-cycle markets? In fast-cycle markets? In standard-cycle markets?

What is organizational structure and what are organizational controls? What are the differences between strategic controls and financial controls? What is the importance of these differences?

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