Research Paper Help- How is 20th century music different from 19th century music? What are some characteristics of 20th century music?

Research Paper Help- How is 20th century music different from 19th century music? What are some characteristics of 20th century music?

How is 20th century music different from 19th century music?  What are some characteristics of 20th century music?  Provide at least 2 specific examples.

What are some artistic innovations of Picasso? Why are these important?  Provide at least 2 specific examples.

Marcel Duchamp said an artist should be a destroyer of tradition.  What did he mean?  What is one of his works that displays this idea?

On the internet, find a picture of Duchamp’s The Fountain.  What do you think of this in terms of being art?

You’ll notice in your book there are a lot of “isms” in 20th century art – surrealism, expressionism, dadaism, fauvism, etc., etc.  Take a look at these different styles and approaches to art.  Which one do you like best? Like least?  Explain your answer.

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