Research Paper Help- Discuss the pros and cons of Red Bull’s nontraditional marketing tactics.

Research Paper Help- Discuss the pros and cons of Red Bull’s nontraditional marketing tactics.

Imagine that you are the owner of a new company in your community. What are the key aspects in managing advertising, sales, promotion, events, and public relations? Which do you prioritize as the owner?

What are Red Bull’s greatest strengths as more companies (like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Monster) enter the energy drink category and gain market share? What are the risks to their brand equity of competing against such powerhouses?
Discuss the pros and cons of Red Bull’s nontraditional marketing tactics. Should the company do more traditional advertising? Why, or why not?
Discuss the effectiveness of Red Bull’s sponsorships, advertisements, personal selling strategies, promotion, events, and public relations. Where should the company draw the line in terms of risk?
Recommend the next steps for Red Bull with respect to their marketing and advertising strategies.

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