Research Paper Help-Discuss economic, cultural, political, or technological factors that might affect the speed of movement of the product (or service) through the stages of the product life cycle (introduction, growth, maturity, and decline)

Research Paper Help-Discuss economic, cultural, political, or technological factors that might affect the speed of movement of the product (or service) through the stages of the product life cycle (introduction, growth, maturity, and decline)

Assess the country’s recent economic conditions related to GDP, inflation, interest rates, currency value, personal income, and employment.  Suggest how these economic factors may attract or deter foreign investment.

Identify the physical attributes, customer benefits, and competitive advantages of the product (or service) to be offered by the organization.  Analyze geographic, economic, cultural, and legal factors that would influence offering a standardized or an adapted product for this market.

Discuss economic, cultural, political, or technological factors that might affect the speed of movement of the product (or service) through the stages of the product life cycle (introduction, growth, maturity, and decline).

Describe the characteristics of potential customers in terms of geographic location, demographics, media habits, consumer behavior patterns, lifestyle activities, and psychographics.

Analyzing International Competitors

As proposed enterprises or established companies enter foreign markets, lessons can be learned from the successes and challenges of other organizations.  In addition, awareness of competitors makes it possible to better plan and implement your global business activities.  In this section, your goal is to identify and analyze the international business operations of organizations related to the global opportunity you are exploring.

A discussion of potential competitors and their global business activities.

A synopsis of global business strategies that could create competitive advantages

Compare your pricing plans with those of any competitors that may be providing identical or similar products or services

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