Review the book excerpt, “Law Enforcement Liability and Police Psychology.” Pay attention to diversity issues that present challenges to police professionals and consider why they do. • Review the articles, “The Influence of Race in Police-Civilian Interactions: A Content Analysis of Videotaped Interactions Taken During Cincinnati Police Traffic Stops” and “”Don’t Ever Forget Now, You’re a Black Man in America”: Intersections of Race, Class and Gender in Encounters With the Police.” Think about issues related to race, class, gender, communication, and the understanding of diverse populations. Focus on why these issues could present challenges to police professionals.

Review the article, “Knowledge of Normal Versus Pathological Memory Aging Among Police Officers.” Think about the challenging issues that aging populations could present to police professionals. • Review the articles, “Making the Most of Information-Gathering Interviews With Children” and “Preventing Youth Suicide: Issues for Law Enforcement Personnel.” Consider the issues related to working with children and youth that present challenges to police professionals.

Review the article, “Improving Police Response to Persons With Mental Illness: A Multi-Level Conceptualization of CIT.” Consider the challenging issues related to interacting with mentally ill people that police professionals could encounter. Think about why these issues are challenging, and consider how forensic psychology professionals could help police professionals address these challenges.

Select two issues related to working with diverse populations that are challenging for police professionals. • Consider how forensic psychology professionals could impact how police professionals interact and work with diverse populations.

With these thoughts in mind: Post by Day 4 a brief description of two challenging issues that police professionals could encounter when working with diverse populations. Then, analyze why each issue is challenging, and evaluate the impact that forensic psychology professionals could have on the police professional’s ability to work with diverse populations. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate your position. Support your analysis with references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

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