Research Paper Easy-Market Research

Research Paper Easy-Market Research

executive Summary( a summary of all key points emerging from the plan ; max. 1 page )

Introduction & Objectives (brief overview of company, issue – use secondary sources; articles, websites, industry reports, annual reports, etc. ; set traditional vs digital objectives 3-5)

Market Situational Analysis, especially the competition& consumer behaviour (applying models such as PEST. SWOT, Porter’s five forces – use secondary sources such as newspapers, websites, industry reports etc. )

Target Market/Segmentation (STP – use theory, models from academic literature such as books and journal articles and the application should be supported by non-academic sources such as industry reports, annual reports, articles etc.)

Marketing Mix Strategy( use any marketing mix model that is appropriate for your case and objectives of the plan – use theory, models from academic literature such as books and journal articles and the application should be supported by non-academic sources such as industry reports, annual reports, articles etc.)

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