Research Paper Easy-Formulate, defend, and challenge positions about where and how foundations intersect with business and government, respectively, including opportunities for collaboration and joint action, critique and contrarianism, and boundaries to be respected and defended

Research Paper Easy-Formulate, defend, and challenge positions about where and how foundations intersect with business and government, respectively, including opportunities for collaboration and joint action, critique and contrarianism, and boundaries to be respected and defended

  • Formulate, defend, and challenge positions on the policy, regulatory, and cultural environments in which foundations operate as enterprises, including at federal and state levels and as impacted by tax policy, social conventions, and other factors;
  • Analyze how different types of foundations approach their varying strategies, grantmaking, assessment, and accountability; and
  • Formulate, defend, and challenge positions about where and how foundations intersect with business and government, respectively, including opportunities for collaboration and joint action, critique and contrarianism, and boundaries to be respected and defended.After completing this module, you will be able to:
  • Formulate, defend, and challenge positions on the policy, regulatory, and cultural environments in which foundations operate as enterprises, including at federal and state levels and as impacted by tax policy, social conventions, and other factors;
  • Analyze how different types of foundations approach their varying strategies, grantmaking, assessment, and accountability; and
  • Formulate, defend, and challenge positions about where and how foundations intersect with business and government, respectively, including opportunities for collaboration and joint action, critique and contrarianism, and boundaries to be respected and defended.
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