Research Paper Easy-Explain why a project manager or any stakeholder should not view risk planning for projects as a negative activity?

Research Paper Easy-Explain why a project manager or any stakeholder should not view risk planning for projects as a negative activity?

What does PMI recommend about Risk Management Planning, Monitoring Risk, and Controlling Risk?

Explain why a project manager or any stakeholder should not view risk planning for projects as a negative activity?

Did the organization follow due diligence regarding the creation of a risk management plan, assess all major risks, and developing appropriate risk responses and a plan for monitoring and controlling risks? Explain your rationale. Should this risk event in this case been identified in the beginning? Why or why not?

4. What are some contingency plans or actions that could have been taken to limit the impact of this possible risk event and other such related events such as a key team member leaving for any reason?

5. What would be your recommendations for such projects in the future based upon this case?

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