Research Paper Easy-Defining and understanding multicultural literature :

Research Paper Easy-Defining and understanding multicultural literature :

Defining and understanding multicultural literature :

That being said, the term “multicultural” can be vague or hard to define. So, for our first assignment, I’m asking you to read and reflect on three short sources that discuss multicultural and diverse literature, particularly children’s literature (since we’re focusing on fiction for young adults in our class).

Read the three sources linked below, and make notes on them.

– What parts of these definitions make the most sense to you?

– What parts seem most relevant?

– What parts are confusing?

– What comments could you add to these definitions and explanations?

After you have read and made notes on the three sources listed on that page, write a discussion post of 200 words where you share your thoughts on the sources and what they had to say about multicultural and diverse literature.

– What parts of the definitions or explanations seemed most relevant or important to you?

– What, if anything, surprised you about them?

– Is there anything you would add or comment on related to these descriptions?

– What has been your own school experience with reading diverse books (in an American context, or in a non-American context if you are an international student)?

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