Research Paper Easy-Computers

Research Paper Easy-Computers

“Introduction: Defining `Computer,'” Paul Ceruzzi provides an overview of computing as an industry and as a technological system, drawing attention to the origins of computing and its institutional, military, and business development.

In “The Shaping of the Personal Computer” and “Broadening the Appeal,” Martin Campbell-Kelly and William Aspray describe the development of personal computers, the software industry, and the contributions of major companies such as IBM, Microsoft, and Apple.

In this response, please address the following questions:

1) According to Ceruzzi, what was a “computer” before 1945? What does the photograph (Fig 0.1) on page 2 suggest about how complex technical calculations were performed during the 1950s?

2) Where did early computer hobbyists learn their skills, according to Campbell-Kelly and Aspray? What were these hobbyists most interested in at first – hardware or software?

3) What was the “Lisa” computer, according to Campbell-Kelly and Aspray? What was the inspiration for this machine (not its name)? What was its major drawback?

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