Research Paper Easy-Analyze the responsibilities of individuals for protecting the rights of older adults

Research Paper Easy-Analyze the responsibilities of individuals for protecting the rights of older adults

letter to the Editor answering that question from the perspective of an  aging professional or employee working in the long-term care field.  Limit citations as this is a Letter to your local Editor, not a research  paper.  Write a real letter to your Editor with relative information to  your locale.

Analyze the responsibilities of individuals for protecting the rights of older adults. Consider the following:

  • When should families be responsible for related older adults? When  should they not? Does this only pertain to immediate family members?
  • When should friends or acquaintances be responsible? What if their choices go against the family’s wishes?
  • When should hospitals, community service organizations, or other  long-term care facilities be allowed to make major decisions for older  adults?
  • When should the government be responsible for making important  decisions? How involved should the government be in protecting the  individual?
  • Is there ever a circumstance when an older adult does not need  outside protection? When would that be? Explain your answer. Be  specific.
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