Research Paper-Develop a plan for ongoing parent communication using your learning about the various forms of parent communication.

Research Paper-Develop a plan for ongoing parent communication using your learning about the various forms of parent communication.

Parent Communication: Develop a plan for ongoing parent communication using your learning about the various forms of parent communication. This plan should be one page long.

Classroom Organization: Describe your classroom management plan. You can develop a summary of your plan. Plan should be one page in length.

Assessment Plan: Choose two of the THREE assessments to revise and include in your portfolio. Your assessment plan should be two pages in length.

 Disposition Statement: Create your philosophy of the necessary qualities of an early childhood educator. This philosophy should be one page long and reflect your personal beliefs.

Plan Professional Development: Professional development plays an important role in the life of an educator. Research different methods of continuing professional development. Develop three statements of commitment as to the types of professional development you plan to engage in over the next year. At least one of your resources for professional development should be online. For each commitment, include a rationale as to why you chose this particular type of professional development and how it will help you to continue to grow as an early childhood educator. This section should be one page in length.

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