RESEARCH PAPER-For this assignment you will review a single scholarly article  in the Library and summarize what it says about a specific infant and toddler disorder of your choice (Infantile Autism, Tay-Sachs Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia and Cerebral Palsy are some examples)



For this assignment you will review a single scholarly article  in the Library and summarize what it says about a specific infant and toddler disorder of your choice (Infantile Autism, Tay-Sachs Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia and Cerebral Palsy are some examples).  This 2-3 page paper must be a review of scholarly research

, DO NOT USE commercial Psychology Today, Wikipedia or WebMD style publications or self-help or parent support organization material (the latter is very valuable to families in need of easy to digest and access information, but isn’t applicable to this assignment). 

Specific Instructions for this assignment can be found in the attached document. The grading rubric is listed below.

Grading Rubric


Topic Possible points Points earned
Introduction/Description of Disorder 20  
Appropriate Journal Article Selected 10  
Article Summary    
–          Focus of the research 5  
–          Description of hypothesis 5  
–          Description of how study was conducted 10  
–          Description of results 5  
Review of article    
–          Potential problems of methodology 10  
–          Three ideas inspired in you by the article 10  
–          Description of the impact of the research 10  
Writing Mechanics 10  
APA format 5  


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