Research Outline-Market Segments of Health Care Organizations

Research Outline-Market Segments of Health Care Organizations

Market Segments of Health Care Organizations

Market segments help organizations determine how to appropriately market products and services to consumers.

For example, consider baby aspirin. This product is used by pediatric patients for pain relief and by older adults for the prevention of heart conditions. The plan for marketing baby aspirin would vary depending on the market segment, particularly in relation to communication techniques.

Techniques used with parents of young pediatric patients would likely differ from those used with older adults. Communication, whether written or oral, is a key element of marketing. For this Discussion, you examine the impact of market segments on health care marketing.

Scan current health care delivery systems in your local community and select a health care organization. Consider that you have been hired by this organization’s board of directors to develop a new segmentation service.

Identify market-based segments of the health care organization you selected.

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