Research Outline-Describe the impact of Research participation on patient’s EHR in relation to patient identification, patient care documentation, reimbursement for care, and sharing of patient participant information

Research Outline-Describe the impact of Research participation on patient’s EHR in relation to patient identification, patient care documentation, reimbursement for care, and sharing of patient participant information

In which areas have Meaningful use criteria been written?

What methods/formats are used by providers to communicate with patients?

What special precautions must be taken when contacting patient’s by email? Chapter 11: 1. What is a classification system and nomenclature?

What 4 groups are responsible for providing recommendations for updates of ICD in USA? 3. What advantages does computer assisted coding have over an encoder? Chapter 12: 1. Describe briefly Clinical Research Focus and Steps

Describe the impact of Research participation on patient’s EHR in relation to patient identification, patient care documentation, reimbursement for care, and sharing of patient participant information? Chapter 13:

Define personal health Record (PHR) 2. List a variety of data category and elements from AHIMA.

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