Research about Employee creativity and innovation

My research is a bout Employee creativity and innovation in the public sector. I would like to have a literature review on the below:


·         Methods used for measuring creativity and innovation in the public sector.


·         Factors that lead to staff creativity in the organization (ex: workplace environment, promotion, appreciation, motivation, financial rewards or others).


The above two points can be written in 3-4 pages.




Also, I would like to have two more points to be discussed as a recommendation at the end of the research:


·         Recommend innovation process that can be implemented in the government organization.


·         Check how IT technology can be used inside the government organization to enhance innovation.


The above two points can be written in 4 pages (2 pages each)




Please note that the references should be in Harvard style.


If the above points can be completed within 3 days, it will be appreciated.


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