Research Analysis American Government. Donald Trump

Part 1 – An introduction paragraph with a thesis statement of at least 200 words. The introduction paragraph should specifically describe the direction you plan to take in this research paper. Please support this paragraph with one to two academic sources in proper APA citation format. (50 points)

Part 2 – The completed research paper addressing one of the approved topics. (see list below). The paper must be at least 1000 words, with a minimum of 5 academic sources noted in proper citation format within the body of the paper and listed on the reference page. (100 points) * Topic Write a paper in which you discuss the role of the president as chief legislator. Why is there conflict between Congress and the president while the president is performing the role of chief legislator? Select a specific instance of public policy conflict between Congress and President Trump and explain the reasons for the conflict.

1,200 words or 5 to 6 pages in length, 12 point traditional font.

A minimum of 5 relevant and legitimate sources, documented within the paper and properly cited in a reference list.

Clear application of research to the assignment requirements.

Type your name, date, and the section number of your class in the upper-left-hand corner on the first page of the paper. You do not need a title page and abstract.

Well organized paragraphs, clear and complete sentence structure, proper word usage and grammar.

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