Reinforced Concrete Design (AS3600 Compliant)

(AS3600 compliant)

General Rubric for Design Project-Final Report (Individual-40%) SEV300 – Reinforced Concrete Design

Dr Riyadh Al-Ameri SEV300 – Design Project Rubric

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Criteria Level5 Level4 Level3 Level2 Level1 Presentation and production (25%)

1. Complete & concise report, incl. cover sheet, introduction, TOC & page numbers. Scope and assumptions are clear and appropriate.

2. Clear, load summary sketches provided.

3. Clear, separate sections are used and presented in logical sequence.

4. Clear design summary sketches provided as design conclusions.

5. Comply with the minimum words limit.

Submission displays elements of Level 5 and Level 3.

1. Report is not concise or is partially incomplete. Scope and assumptions are unclear or inappropriate in places.

2. Load summary sketches are unclear or incomplete.

3. Separate working steps are evident but unclear or out of sequence.

4. Incomplete design summary sketches are provided.

5. Close to the minimum words limit.

Submission displays elements of Level 3 and Level 1.

1. Report is incomplete and missing significant parts. Scope and assumptions not included or mostly incorrect.

2. Load summary sketches not included.

3. Separate sections or logical sequence are not evident.

4. Design summary sketches have not been provided.

5. The minimum words limit has not been met.

Scientific content (50%)

1. Loads and input data are correct and correctly applied.

2. Effective use of calculations, diagrams and written word.

3. Calculations shown in full with units and appropriate use of significant figures.

4. Analysis of allocated elements is complete, correct and includes clear action diagrams.

Submission displays elements of Level 5 and Level 3.

1. Loads and input data are unclear or incorrectly applied.

2. Diagrams and written word not used effectively.

3. Calculations not shown in full with units and significant figures used inappropriately.

4. Analysis of allocated elements contains significant errors, action diagrams are

Submission displays elements of Level 3 and Level 1.

1. Loads and input data not shown or applied adequately.

2. Ineffective use of calculations, diagrams and written word.

3. Working and units typically not shown.

4. Analysis of allocated elements is mostly incorrect, action diagrams not included, critical actions not identified.

General Rubric for Design Project-Final Report (Individual-40%) SEV300 – Reinforced Concrete Design

Dr Riyadh Al-Ameri SEV300 – Design Project Rubric

Page 2 of 2

Critical actions have been identified

5. Design of allocated elements are in accordance with AS3600.

6. Design addresses min strength and bar spacing limits.

7. Strength, stability, & serviceability checks shown clearly and correctly.

poor, important critical actions not identified.

5. Some design of allocated elements are not as per AS3600.

6. Min strength and bar spacing limits addressed but incorrect.

7. Strength, stability, & serviceability checks include significant errors.

5. Majority of allocated elements design are not as per AS3600.

6. Min strength or bar spacing limits not addressed.

7. Strength, stability, & serviceability checks not included or mostly incorrect.

Results and outcomes (25%)

1. Member strengths adequate for all critical actions.

2. Serviceability and stability checks are complete & correct.

3. Reinforcement & detailing as per Australian standards.

4. Reflection considers design limitations and identifies potential improvements.

Submission displays elements of Level 5 and Level 3.

1. Member strengths adequate for most critical actions.

2. Serviceability and stability checks are incomplete or contain errors.

3. Reinforcement or detailing not as per Australian standards.

4. Reflection does not adequately consider design limitations or identify potential improvements.

Submission displays elements of Level 3 and Level 1.

1. Member strengths typically inadequate.

2. Serviceability and stability are not checked.

3. Reinforcement & detailing not as per Australian standards.

4. Reflection not included or does not address design limitations or potential improvements.

overall Level5 Level4 Level3 Level2 Level1

Shear wall, Beam A and Column 2 as circled above are to be designed, as well as a footing of your choice. And Slab 2 is to be analysed. Loadings will be provided. Assumptions can be made for whatever is needed so long the designs and calculations are shown and follow AS3600.

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