Reflection Essay

Optional Challenges for Bonus Marks

All bonus challenges due is Oct. 31 ,2017 (late submission is accepted with 10% deduction per week until Nov. 30, 2017). Essays should be posted on the discussion board in D2L. In case that BA2123 and BA3672 offer the same challenges and the bonus will be applied to only either one of the courses (you cannot get this bonus for two courses )

  • Movies: 400 words essay on your opinions and reflections on movies (up to 1% per essay per movie): “Money ball” ,“The Social Network”, “Julie & Julia” “Steve Jobs: One Last Thing”
  • Books: 400 words essay on your opinions and reflections on books (up to 1% per essay per book): “The Airbnb Story …” and “The Upstarts…”
  • Google Analytics courses: 400 words Essay on each of Google Analytics Academy 5 courses after taking the courses (up to 1.5% per essay, up to 4 essays: BA2123 only )
  • Google Analytics certification: Google Analytics IQ Certification with 400 words essay (up to 2% per essay: BA2123 only)
  • Participate in MIS survey (up to 0.5%: to be announced later)

1. Watch movies

  • Watch movies: “Money ball” ,“The Social Network”, “Julie & Julia” “Steve Jobs: One Last Thing”
  • Write an essay in your own words (at least 400 words) about your own opinions and reflections about the movie (e.g., what you liked and what you disliked in the movie)
  • In addition, include your own thoughts about the following questions

Money Ball: your thoughts about Sabermetric approach

The Social Network: What are success factors of the Facebook? Why was the Facebook successful while others were not so?

Julie and Julia: What are success factors of a blog? Why was Julie’s blog successful while others were not so?

Steve Jobs: One Last Thing: What made Steve so successful? What he had to pay for to be successful?

  • Up to 1% per essay per movie, up to 4 essays in movies

2. Read Books (BA2123 only)

  • Read books:
  • Chapter 1 (The Hustle) and chapter 2 (Building a Company) of “The Airbnb Story: How Three Ordinary Guys Disrupted an Industry, Made Billions . . . and Created Plenty of Controversy Kindle Edition, by Leigh Gallagher”
  • Chapter 2 (Jam Sessions) and chapter 5 (Blood, Sweat, and Ramen) of “The Upstarts: How Uber, Airbnb, and the Killer Companies of the New Silicon Valley Are Changing the World Kindle Edition, by Brad Stone”
  • Write an essay in your own words (at least 400 words) about your own opinions and reflections about the book (e.g., what you liked and what you disliked in the book)
  • In addition, include your own thoughts about the following questions

The Airbnb Story ….: how many times did they launched a website? Why did they launched it again?

The upstarts ….: Why was Uber successful while similar others were not so?

  • Up to 1% per essay per book, up to 2 essays in books

3. Taking courses in Google to prepare for Google Certifications (BA2123 only)

Google Analytics Academy courses for Google Analytics IQ exam preparation

Google Analytics for Beginners

Advanced Google Analytics

Ecommerce Analytics: From Data to Decisions

Google Tag Manager Fundamentals

Or Google Adwords and Analytics related courses in

Write 400 words essay for each course on your own reflections and your own ideas on how you would apply what you learned in the course, in a business

Post it on the discussion board on the D2L

Up to 1.5% per essay per course ( up to 4 essays per student)

4. Google Analytics IQ Certification
(BA2123 only)

  • What is the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ)?

“The Google Analytics Individual Qualification is a proof of proficiency in Google Analytics that is available to any individual who has passed the Google Analytics IQ test.”

Essay Marking Criteria

  • Please not that I am not interested in your summary of movies or your research on others’ review. The main purpose of this is to share your own thoughts with class mates. Hence write your opinions and reflections.
  • Marking criteria:
  • (1) Essay Length,
  • (2) percentage of your own opinions and reflections (rather than summary or others’ review),
  • (3) presence of your own answer on the questions, which you are asked to include in each essay,
  • Post your essay on the D2L discussion board. The main purpose of this bonus is to share / discuss your thoughts with class mates.
  • One essay per posting (Do not post multiple essays into one posting: such postings will be removed).
  • Students who post an essay in September 2017 will receive up to 1% extra bonus as they are ice breakers (1% per student (not per essay)).
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