Rearing of Slave Children and Their Parental Relationships Before and After Emancipation 

I need to get an A. No plagiarism. Total answer 600 words

The Rearing of Slave Children and Their Parental Relationships Before and After Emancipation 

Read the article.

The Rearing of Slave Children and Their Parental …The Rearing of Slave Children and Their Parental Relationships Before and After Emancipation Catherine Marquis “The craving for an interpretation of history is so …

Part 1. Answer the critical thinking questions listed below:

(a) Do these assumptions seem reasonable in this context? Why or why not?

(b) Are any generalisations being made? Are these generalisations reasonable here?

(c) Do any claims seem too certain?

(d) Are there suitable examples?

(e) Are there claims which are based on authority for support? What kind of authority is it? Does this seem reasonable?

(f) Are there claims which are based on evidence for support? What kind of evidence is it? Does this seem reasonable?

Part 2. You are to create 8 robust academic questions and answers (Q&A) based on the reading.

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