Read The Case Study “Creating A Methodology” On Page 108 And Then Answer One (1) Of The Questions On Page 110.

Read The Case Study “Creating A Methodology” On Page 108 And Then Answer One (1) Of The Questions On Page 110.

1. Why is it best to have six or less life-cycle phases in an EPM system?

2. Is it acceptable for the PMO to report to the chief information officer or to someone else

3. Is it best to design an EPM system around flexible or inflexible elements? Generally, when first developing an EPM system, do companies prefer to use formality or informality in the design?

4. Can a PMO accelerate the implementation process?

5. Should an EPM system have the capability of capturing best practices?

6. What can you determine about the corporate culture from the fact that they waited this long to consider the development of an EPM system?

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