Qualitative Critique

Answer the questions listed below after reading Chi, Long, Jeang, Ku, Lu, & Sun’a article regarding healing and recovering after a suicide attempt Answers must be provided using complete sentences, correct grammar and spelling. Please remember to type out the question and provide answers below the questions. 1. Identify the qualitative research tradition. 2. Evaluate the quality of the literature review. Does the author provide sufficient support for research study? 3. Did the researcher use a conceptual framework for the study. If yes, please provide a brief summary. 4. Which sampling technique was used by the researcher in this research study. Do you think it was appropriate? Provide support for your answer. 5. Describe data collection methods used by the researcher in this qualitative study. 6. Discuss how the researcher implemented ethical principles. 7. Discuss steps taken by the researcher to ensure trustworthiness of data. 8. Identify the themes that emerged as a result of data analysis. 9. Discuss the relevance of this research study to nursing practice.

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