Libre’s Network: WBS codes- determine the critical path for the WBS project

insert a column to include your WBS codes, then you will need to sequence the tasks to show tasks by work package.

Based upon the details in the WBS and the project case, determine which tasks need to be completed first and which tasks are dependent upon other tasks to be completed prior to starting. Using this information identify predecessors in your project plan’s predecessor column. Complete the predecessor column by entering the line number of tasks that must be completed in order for each task to start. This will create your project timeline.

Using Project Libre’s Network or flow diagram view, determine the critical path for this project. In a MS Word document, list the activities that are on the critical path. Considering the risks identified in the risk table below, identify which risks would be most likely to increase your project timeline. Justify your responses.


What is the name of the artwork you are analyzing and who is the creator?

Where and when did you view this artwork? By completing this analysis, what do you wish to accomplish?

2. QUESTION AT ISSUE: Why did ________ create __________?

What did she/he wish to accomplish?

3. ASSUMPTIONS: Artists create art with purpose. What do you think this artist’s purpose is in creating this work? Why do you think this?

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