Punjabi Popular Music & Bhangra-MUSC 110: Assignment 2


MUSC 110: Assignment 2 – Punjabi Popular Music & Bhangra

(15 points)

Name _____________________________________________

Step 1:

During the quarter I have asked you to track your “metacognition” (making your thought process [what you are thinking while studying] more visible). Now I will check your progress in developing this skill with this assignment. Follow these steps:

· Print the first 5 pages of the article by Gibb Schreffler and read the sections “Introduction” and “Punjab: Home and Abroad.” As you read, mark pieces of text that you connect with, confuse you, or that raise questions and write your thoughts in the margins. Nothing should be highlighted, circled, or underlined without a comment attached. I want to understand why you marked a piece of text and see your thought process in the margins. (10 points)

· Then answer the prompt below. For this part, you can print this out and handwrite your answer or type it in this document and print afterward. You will turn in your marked-up, 5-page article with this sheet. (5 points)

Let’s test your understanding of what you read. Please summarize the reading (first 5 pages) in 40 words or less:

Step 2:

Then continue reading pages 7-20 (from the section “The Development of Punjabi Popular Music” to the end of section, “Diaspora Punjabi Music”). You do not need to turn in these pages, but read them in preparation for lecture and listening on the due date.

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