public opinion

Question to answer

Visit the website or any other public opinion polling site and find a poll that interests you personally or professionally. Give the topic of the poll, the sample size, and margin of error. Do you think the result of the poll from the sample reflects the public opinion?

Reply to Carmen post

The poll that interested me asked people if they supported or opposed increasing the national minimum wage from $7.25 to $15.  The main reason this caught my eye was because I overheard a conversation in a restaurant in January about the minimum wage increase in Colorado.   One survey (2016) by the Pew Research Center had a sample size of 2,010 adults nationwide with a margin of error of +-2.5.  The poll indicated 58% favor the increase, 41% oppose, and 2% refused/unsure.  A second poll by Quinnipiac University (2017) sampled 1,125 registered voters and had a margin of error of +-3.4.  This poll indicated 54% favored, 44% opposed, and 2% refused/unsure.

The two polls chose to sample a different target population.  The first polls surveyed more people but the second poll focused on registered voters that can vote for this sort of measure.  Both populations are finite.  Samples would need to be random to prevent selection bias (Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Camm, & Cochran, 2015)

The state where I live, Colorado, passed a ballot measure with a 55% majority in 2016 (Svaldi, 2018).  This number reflects the favorable percent found in the survey on federal minimum wage (, 2018). This makes me think that the polls may have been relatively accurate.

The measure raises the minimum wage in increments to be $12 by the year 2020.  A couple of weeks ago the minimum increased to $10.20 an hour.  There were 18 states that increase their minimum wage in 2018.  The states are making increases and leaving the federal minimum wage behind.  The minimum wage may still not be keeping up with the cost of living.  A quarter of renters in Denver pay 50% or more of their wages to rent (Svaldi, 2018).

Reply to Jennifer post

The website visited is gallupoll and the poll studied is ‘Voters prefer Trump on Economy and Clinton on other issues’. The survey cosnsisted random selection of 1033 adults aged, living in 50 U.S. states including District of Columbia (source: The survey comprised questions ranging from Climat cahnge, foreign affairs, education to economy), Result shows Trump is prefferd more for Economy and Clinton for other issues.The margin of error reported is +-4% at 95% confidence interval.

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