: Psychology

People in the United States vary widely in their acceptance of the sexual and gender choices and orientations.   Recent changes in the legality of same sex marriage, the changing role of women in the military, and increasing awareness of transgender issues have highlighted how much has changed in recent months.

Choose one of these sources:

  • Find an article or graph that illustrates a recent change in law, attitude, or policy regarding sexual tolerance.
  • Joel Burns:  It Gets Better  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax96cghOnY4 (transcript located on YouTube site)

Write a 5-paragraph essay that introduces the topic you’ve chosen, summarizes the various points of view, and concludes with the current status of the issue you are addressing.  Be sure to use at least 2 citations to support your essay.

The Five-Paragraph Essay: Three Formulas for Writing the Basic Academic Essay

Possible points

Student points and instructor feedback

The writer establishes a clear thesis statement. All ideas are strongly related to the thesis and are focused on the topic.


The essay is thoughtful and engaging. The writer may choose to use his/her unique experiences or view of the world as a basis for writing or to connect ideas in interesting ways.


The writer demonstrates a consistent command of sentence boundaries and spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and usage conventions.  the essay is at least 1000 words long.


Follows APA 6th ed. formatting style.


This goes through turnitin so please no plagiarism

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