Psychological research

The textbook has covered many topics. No doubt, one of these topics has made you curious, been something that you could relate to, or confused you. Take this opportunity to choose the topic of your liking to write a research paper on.

Please note that this is a research paper, not an informative paper.  The textbook has already informed you on the topic. You are required to use three academic journals in your paper.  In psychology it is very important to stay up to date so these resources can be no older than three years old. Your textbook is not to be used as a research reference.  Please refer to the grading rubric provided on Blackboard to ensure that you get the grade that you desire.  This paper is due Jan. 30th, 2018 by 11:59 pm EST

Writing Requirements and Format

The following is the required format for this research paper.  Your paper must be submitted using Microsoft Word.

This paper needs to include the following elements for full credit:

Title Page – This should include the title of the assignment; your name; the name of the course, and the date.

Abstract – This is a short “executive summary” of your paper. It should be about fifty words and include the main points you will cover in your paper and summarize (in a few sentences) your main findings and/or contributions. Your research question should be clearly identified. This section must be kept short no more than one paragraph.

Introduction – Your initial paragraph should provide the background or context for the topic. Your introductory paragraph should also justify why your reader should be interested in the topic and prepare the reader for what they will find in later sections.

Body of the Paper – should consist of sections dealing with your research question.  This section should include answers that include critical analysis as well as supporting data from the journals that you use.  This is a research paper. Be sure to compare, criticize, and generally leave your personal mark on the paper. Be sure to use proper in text citations when referring to knowledge gained from a source, paraphrasing or quoting a source.

Conclusion – Give a brief summary (in a few sentences) of what has been presented, and/or learned so far in the course. Like the introduction, this section must be fairly short.

References  – Provide complete bibliographic information for each reference (USE THE APA FORMAT).

References should be listed in alphabetical order

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