PSYC Disorders of Early Development-Over the years, professionals and parents have engaged in what has been termed “The Mommy Wars,” a battle between working and stay-at-home moms regarding which is best for child outcomes

Over the years, professionals and parents have engaged in what has been termed “The Mommy Wars,” a battle between working and stay-at-home moms regarding which is best for child outcomes. Using your knowledge of attachment and models of early child development, as well as using a biblical worldview, address your opinion regarding this battle. Specifically, reflect on the impact of daycare and/or different parenting styles of stay-at-home moms on attachment.

This article  offers additional research on the topic.

For the Discussion Board Forums, you are required to write 1 thread and 1 critical analysis reply. You will discuss each topic with reference to course content and a biblical worldview. Present an opinion as well as a brief summary of research in the area (citing the textbook or other course content) and integrate your perspective with a biblical worldview (citing Scripture). There is not necessarily a right or wrong answer for these discussions; therefore, you will not be graded on your opinion but on the quality of your support of and reflection on that opinion.

Each thread must be at least 400 words and be written in current APA format. The thread must include 1 textbook or research citation and 1 biblical citation.

DUE BY 2/8/18 7 pm ea

stern time

Over the years, professionals and parents have e

ngaged in what has been termed “The Mommy

Wars,” a battle between working and stay


home moms regarding which is best for child

outcomes. Using your knowledge of attachment and models of early child development, as well

as using a biblical worldview, add

ress your opinion regarding this battle. Specifically, reflect on

the impact of daycare and/or different parenting styles of stay


home moms on attachment.

This article


additional research on the topic.




For the Discussion Board Forums, you are required to write 1 thread and 1 critical analysis reply.

You will discuss each topic with reference to course content and a biblical worldview. Present an

opinion as well as a brief

summary of research in the area (citing the textbook or other course

content) and integrate your perspective with a biblical worldview (citing Scripture). There is not

necessarily a right or wrong answer for these discussions; therefore, you will not be gr

aded on

your opinion but on the quality of your support of and reflection on that opinion.

Each thread must be at least

400 words

and be written in current APA format. The thread must

include 1 textbook or research citation and 1 biblical citation.

DUE BY 2/8/18 7 pm eastern time

Over the years, professionals and parents have engaged in what has been termed “The Mommy

Wars,” a battle between working and stay-at-home moms regarding which is best for child

outcomes. Using your knowledge of attachment and models of early child development, as well

as using a biblical worldview, address your opinion regarding this battle. Specifically, reflect on

the impact of daycare and/or different parenting styles of stay-at-home moms on attachment.

This article offers additional research on the topic.

For the Discussion Board Forums, you are required to write 1 thread and 1 critical analysis reply.

You will discuss each topic with reference to course content and a biblical worldview. Present an

opinion as well as a brief summary of research in the area (citing the textbook or other course

content) and integrate your perspective with a biblical worldview (citing Scripture). There is not

necessarily a right or wrong answer for these discussions; therefore, you will not be graded on

your opinion but on the quality of your support of and reflection on that opinion.

Each thread must be at least 400 words and be written in current APA format. The thread must

include 1 textbook or research citation and 1 biblical citation.

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