Provide a logical and comprehensive analysis of the reasons why you would consider a narcissistic personality to be highly correlated with aggressive and violent behavior. You can use an example of an infamous violent criminal or an actual investigative case about which you have personal knowledge from your professional involvement with the perpetrator and the investigation

Essay: Provide a logical and comprehensive analysis of the reasons why you would consider a narcissistic personality to be highly correlated with aggressive and violent behavior. You can use an example of an infamous violent criminal or an actual investigative case about which you have personal knowledge from your professional involvement with the perpetrator and the investigation.

Essay format requirements: 1,200 words min, APA format, cite at least 3 references, no Wikipedia, dictionaries, encyclopedia, no use of contractions, Abstract & conclusion required, times new roman 12 (font). Scholarly writing and be sure to support your claims with peer-reviewed journal articles. Chapters 11 & 12 of book below provides insight. If quotes are from entire book or source, page numbers required.

Shaver, P.R., & Mikulincer, M. (2010). Human aggression and violence: Causes, manifestations, and consequences. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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