Provide justification for one effective community-wide nutritional strategy for the prevention of stroke in community-dwelling people aged 50 years and over.

Assignment 2, 2017/18
Due date:
Thursday 1 February 2018, 11.59pm
Weighting: 40%
Requirements: Written assignment (2000 words in total, excluding figures,
tables and reference list)
Deakin Graduate
Learning Outcomes
GLO2: Communication to inform and effect change
GLO3: Digital literacy, to research and present the evidence
GLO4: Critical thinking
GLO5: Problem solving
Unit Learning Outcomes
ULO4: Identify and critically evaluate relevant peer-reviewed
literature to inform discussion of nutritional issues affecting
older people
ULO5: Develop and apply relevant, evidence-based solutions to
real-world nutritional issues affecting older people
Assignment 2 topic:
Provide justification for one effective community-wide nutritional strategy for the prevention of stroke in
community-dwelling people aged 50 years and over.
Develop a strategy that includes only ONE nutritional recommendation for an effective community-wide
nutritional strategy for reducing stroke in those people aged 50 years and older and living in the
community. Details and a plan for how the strategy will be implemented in the community will need to be
The strategy needs to focus on food/dietary approaches and excludes the use of supplements. You must
ensure that your approach focusses on only one nutritional factor, i.e. a food OR a nutrient OR an explicitlydefined
This assignment will include justification for the effectiveness of the chosen nutritional strategy in
influencing stroke risk and outcomes, utilizing data from the peer-reviewed literature. The policy and
implementation plan must be demonstrated to be feasible, but an extremely detailed implementation plan
is not required. The key emphasis of the assignment is development of ONE effective community-wide
strategy, with adequate justification of the effectiveness of your chosen approach with reference to the
This section should set the scene and include information on the size of the problem of
cardiovascular disease within Australia and how reducing stroke will reduce mortality
and morbidity in Australia and maintain quality of life in older people.
350 words
Describe ONE factor in a stroke-prevention program
Outline the one key component of a feasible and effective community-wide nutritional
strategy to reduce stroke in community-dwelling people aged 50 years and above.
Indicate how the target population would access the program/product and who would
deliver any program, considering the feasibility of involvement by community or nongovernment
organisations, medical and allied health practitioners, and local, federal
and/or and state governments. The details and plan for the proposed implementation
of the strategy should be briefly outlined.
This section should be a relatively brief but clear summary of what is going to happen
and who is involved to make it happen and how.
355 words
Justification of the key components
Your chosen strategy must be justified as being effective using an evidence-based
approach. The likely effectiveness of your strategy should be justified by referring to
the peer-reviewed evidence-based literature. Demonstrate how your chosen strategy
would reduce the incidence of stroke in older men and women living in the community.
N.B. Examples of successful similar interventions from peer-reviewed literature could
help to justify your case if they have produced a demonstrated reduction in stroke.
940 words
Measurement of success, time frame, degree of difficulty
Include a description of the key outcome indicators of success. How will you measure
the success of your strategy? Include an indication of the likely time frame required for
the intervention. Discuss the likely time interval needed to see a positive change in
your indicators of success and a demonstrable reduction in stroke in the older
population. Comment on the ease/difficulty of maintaining your intervention over the
required time interval.
This section should be relatively brief but should address all the points noted above.
355 words
Include appropriate references to substantiate claims made in the assignment. Correct
citations (in-text citations and bibliography) in the Vancouver referencing style.
Overall clarity and presentation
The assignment should be well written with a logical flow of information and no
spelling or grammatical errors. Arguments clearly should be articulated. Inclusion of
word count and correct submission of assignment as a pdf to electronic drop box.
The assignment should not exceed 2000 words (excluding tables, table
headings/footnotes, figures, figure headings/footnotes and the reference list). In-text
headings and citations are included in the word-count.
If the assignment does exceed 2000 words, the following penalties will apply:
– 2001-2100 words: 2 marks
– 2101-2400 words: 5 marks
– >2400 words: 10 marks

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