Proposed AdWords Strategy and Pre-campaign Report Interview Questions-Get Assignment Help Online

Proposed AdWords Strategy and Pre-campaign Report Interview Questions-Get Assignment Help Online

  1. Proposed AdWords Strategy (13 points, about two pages including sample AdWords ads and keywords)


Based on an analysis of the client, its website and marketing, each team should craft an appropriate AdWords Strategy and goals for their campaign. The proposed strategy should include:


  • Number of campaigns, campaign types used and the focus for each campaign
  • A sampling of keywords, negative keywords and other targeting methods
  • Text for at least two text ads of an ad group and summary of any other ad types used, if applicable
  • Daily and weekly plans for spending their campaign budget
  • Network(s) for their AdWords ads
  • Ad serving options
  • Keyword bidding strategies
  • Location targeting
  • Goals for impressions, clicks, CPC and CTR
  • Proposed success metrics
  • Other relevant information


  1. Communication and Readability (5 points)

Pre-campaign Report Interview Questions


  1. Client Overview (12 points, about two pages)


As a foundation for the proposed AdWords Strategy, this section should provide a brief overview of the client and its current marketing initiatives.


Client Profile (2 points):


  • Name, Location
  • Number of employees
  • Goods and services offered
  • Key online marketing and website management personnel – Do you manage your online marketing? If so, who is in charge? A specific department/person
  • Age of the company
  • URL
  1. Which social media applications do your firm used? (E.G. YouTube, Instagram, Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ etc).
  2. What is the motive of using the specific social media (E.G. Instagram – for brand awareness, Facebook – customer relationship, Twitter – sales promotion etc)
  3. What influence your firm to engage in those social media applications? (E.G. Customer demands, industry pressure-competition, personal interest etc)
  4. When do you start using the specific social media apps?
  5. On average, how many hours per week do your company use social media?
  • Company presence and sales via online and offline channels

How much of the total budget of marketing is allocated to social media campaign?


Market Analysis (4 points)


  • Current and potential customers
  • Current and potential competitors
  • Overview of the industry (key characteristics, competitive/saturated/mature)
  • Market position/specialties
  • Unique selling points of the goods/services offered
  • Seasonality of their goods/services or seasonality that the company has identified
  • Other relevant market information


Current Marketing (4 points)


  • Website uses, e.g. sales, customer service, email subscriptions, etc.

Have your company uses Google Adwords?

  • Website strengths and weaknesses
  • If available, summary information from Google Analytics or other third party web tracking software
  • Other online advertising and offline promotion of the website


Conclusion (2 points)

  • How does the AdWords Campaign align with the client’s business?



The AdWords Pre-Campaign Report should have a logical flow, be easy to follow, and avoid grammatical mistakes.


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