Propose An IT Infrastructure Design Solution For ITech Company

SBM4104 IT Infrastructure

Assignment 2: Proposal

Propose an IT Infrastructure Design Solution for iTech Company

Date due:


Week 10

Individual assignment

Weighting: 40%

Rationale Practical exercises assess students’ ability to apply theoretical learning to practical, real world

situations. This is Individual assignment that each student must design and configure an IT

infrastructure solution for a small organization.

A hard copy report of approximately 2500 must be provided to present your proposed ideas.

The report must satisfy the following specific criteria:

1. Demonstrate ability to plan, locate information using the Internet, organisations and

publications and analyse this information.

2. Demonstrate knowledge of IT Infrastructure and design a network using building-

block approach.

3. Simulate and configure network devices as one step towards network implementation

and testing.

4. Demonstrate the ability to determine cloud base services that suit enterprise


Case Study A software development company, iTech has a 900-computer network. The company is

located in three adjacent five-story buildings in an office park, with about 300 computers in

each building. The LAN in each building are similar, but one building- data centre building

(DCB) has data centre on the second floor. The data centre provides web and email services

to the enterprise employee. In addition, it provides dynamic IP assign, share file and DNS

services. The domain name of the company is: www. The current network is

poorly designed for its current needs and must be completely replaced.

The head officer of the IT department wants to get two design proposal of the new network.

The first design considers the dedicated server techniques by hosting all the iTech servers

within its buildings. While the Cloud hosting to be considered in the second design.

Develop a logical design for the DCB of this enterprise campus. Your design must

demonstrate a detail logical design based on three-layers hierarchal model. The design should

include the set of required servers, network devices, and connection with justification and

2 | P a g e

supported diagrams. You have to make some assumptions with the required justifications for

your design.

Task Specifications Prepare a report to propose a network design for the iTech company. Use the building-block

approach to design the network for the company. Your design proposal should consider the


I. Using dedicated server design

1. Developing logical network design that includes the geographical scope of the

network and a categorization of current and future network needs of the various

network segments, users, and applications.

2. Develop a detail logical design based on three-layers hierarchal model. The design

should include the set of required network devices and servers, with the justification.

3. Specify the IP addresses, subnet masks to the various networks and control the

process by which IP addresses are assigned to individual clients and servers.

4. Use network simulator (Cisco Packet Tracer) to simulate part of the DCB network.

The simulation scenario should include the access layer devices, web server, DHCP,

and DNS. Your scenario should demonstrate how the client computers dynamically

obtained IP network configuration including IP, DNS, and default gateway addresses.

In addition, you have to demonstrate how the client accessing the web server.

II. Using Cloud hosting design:

Propose two organizations that provides Cloud services for hosting the DCB servers.

Justify your answer by explaining the level of services each company provides that suit

the iTech requirements.

You have to make some assumptions with the required justifications for your design.

Report Layout The proposal report should be organised using the following headings and guidelines:

1. A Cover Title Page 2. Introduction

a. Should clearly define the aims and objectives of the project in the report b. Explain what contents will be covered in the report c. Organization description.

3. Discussion on IT infrastructure components required. 4. The three-layers hierarchal model

a. Introduction b. Analyse the current and future iTech IT Infrastructure requirements.

c. Geographical scope of the network.

d. Discussion on the possibility of scaling of the iTech network. 5. Dedicated server design proposal

a. Identify all the services and servers required.

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b. Propose logical design supported with diagrams and justification.

c. List of IP addresses and network mask for all the networks. 6. Cloud based design proposal

a. Identification of two cloud service organization with justification b. List of services the organization provides that suit the iTech network design


7. Network simulation. a. Access layer diagram including web, DHCP, and DNS servers. b. DHCP configuration. c. DNS and web servers configurations. d. Demonstration and explanation how the clients dynamically obtain network

configuration and accessing web server with the domain: www.

8. Conclusions and Recommendations 9. References

SBM4104 IT Infrastructure

Semester 2, 2017

Worth 40%

Marking Guide

Student Name: ___________________ Student ID: ___________________

Assessment Criteria HD













Relevance to the topic (20%)

– Business/ organization description.

– Identify IT infrastructure components.

Critical analysis (20%)

– Analyse the current and future business/ organization

IT Infrastructure


– Analyse and plan for applications scaling.

Proposal-design (20%)

– Identify all the services and servers required.

– Propose logical design supported with diagrams and


– Consider Cloud.

Extent of reading and

simulation (10%)

4 | P a g e

– The proposed solution supported with a satisfactory

coverage of simulation

relevant to the tasks


Logical structure (20%)

– The introduction is appropriate to the type and

format of response and

clearly outlines the focus.

– The body of the response is well structured, with

appropriate sections/


– The conclusion is appropriate and

summarizing the key ideas.

Writing style/grammar and

Referencing (10%)

– There is no spelling or typing


– Key ideas from the literature are

effectively paraphrased and/or


– In-text citations and direct

quotes follow referencing guide

rules (correct and complete)

– Reference list appropriately


TOTAL MARKS: 100 Total Marks Obtained:


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