Section 1: Objective Personality Assessment
· Define the term objective in objective methods of personality assessment.
· Summarize the features of objective methods of personality assessment, and provide at least three examples of these types of measures.
· Explain the assumptions on which objective methods are based, and provide an analysis of empirical research testing the validity of the assumptions you identified.
· Appraise the research exploring the technical adequacy (i.e., reliability and validity) of objective tests.
· Describe the impact of social and culture variability on the administration and interpretation of objective tests.
Section 2: Projective Personality Assessment
· Define the term projective in projective methods of personality assessment.
· Summarize the features of projective methods of personality assessment, and provide at least three examples of these types of measures.
· Explain the assumptions on which projective methods are based, and provide an analysis of empirical research testing the validity of the assumptions you identified.
· Appraise the research exploring the technical adequacy (i.e., reliability and validity) of projective tests.
· Describe the impact of social and culture variability on the administration and interpretation of projective tests.
Section 3: Synthesis, Conclusions, and Recommendations
· Write a brief one-paragraph scenario for a fictitious client. Include the following information: presenting concerns (reason for referral), age, gender, ethnicity, language(s), and any other significant information (e.g., military status, health issues, marital status, sexual orientation, etc.).
· Debate the arguments supporting and opposing the use of projective and objective personality assessments with your identified client.
· Select a minimum of one objective and one projective measure to use with your client. Compare the use of the selected projective and objective personality measures with your identified client.
· Analyze the advantages and limitations of each assessment measure you selected.
· Compose recommendations to improve the validity of personality assessment.
The Evaluation of Objective and Projective Measures of Personality
· Must be four to six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA
· Must use at least three peer-reviewed sources published within the last 15 years in addition to the course text.
· Must document all sources in APA
· Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style