Project Paper – Security Architecture


• Each Group was Randomly Chosen by iLearn

• Once Placed into a Group, Do Not Switch to Another Group – You Will Be Graded by Group

• Your Work Is 40% of Your Class Grade (Presentation is 20% (100 Points) and Research Paper is 20% (100 Points))

• Recommend At Least Two People in Each Group Have Laptop Computers with MS Office

Research Project


• Research Paper Will Be Presented Orally to the Professor and to Fellow Groups

• Oral Presentation Requires a PowerPoint Slide Show as an Aide to the Presentation

• Research Paper and PowerPoint Slide Show Will Be Uploaded to iLearn Before Departing the Residency Weekend

• Recommend Typing Speaker Notes into the PowerPoint Presentation so Anyone In the Group Can Present the Work

Research Project


• Must be in APA Style – Recommend Research APA Style Before Residency Weekend

• Research Paper Must Have at Least 5 Works Cited of Which 2 Must be Peer Reviewed Works/Articles

• Must be at Least 5 Double-Spaced Pages

• Minimum 1,250 words

Research Paper


Research Project Rubric Component Exemplary (3) Adequate (2) Inadequate (1)

Project Overview Effectively and insightfully develops a set of

testable, supportable and impactful study


Develops a set of testable and

supportable hypotheses

Hypotheses are not testable or


Justification for


The introduction section provides a cogent

overview of conceptual and theoretical issues

related to the study hypotheses. Demonstrates

outstanding critical thinking.

The introduction section

provides a logical overview of

conceptual and theoretical

issues related to the study

hypotheses. Demonstrates

competent critical thinking.

Very little support for the conceptual

and theoretical relevant to the study

hypotheses was provided. Provides

little evidence of sound critical


Supporting Evidence Provides clearly appropriate evidence to

support position

Provides adequate evidence to

support position

Provides little or no evidence to

support position

Review of Relevant


Sophisticated integration, synthesis, and

critique of literature from related fields. Places

work within larger context.

Provides a meaningful summary

of the literature. Shows

understanding of relevant


Provides little or no relevant


Maintains Purpose /


The project is well organized and has a tight and

cohesive focus that is integrated throughout the


The project has an

organizational structure and the

focus is clear throughout

The document lacks focus or contains

major drifts in focus


• Sample

• Procedures

• Measures

• Data analytic plan

Identifies appropriate methodologies and

research techniques (e.g., justifies the sample,

procedures, and measures). Data analytic plan

is suitable to test study hypotheses. Provides

appropriate justification for controls. Project is


Identifies appropriate

methodologies and research

techniques but some details are

missing or vague

The methodologies described are

either not suited or poorly suited to

test hypotheses. The methodology is

under-developed and/or is not


Grammar, Clarity, and


The manuscript is well written and ideas are

well developed and explained. Sentences and

paragraphs are grammatically correct. Uses

subheadings appropriately.

The manuscript effectively

communicates ideas. The

writing is grammatically correct,

but some sections lack clarity.

The manuscript is poorly written and

confusing. Ideas are not

communicated effectively.

References and Citations Properly and explicitly cited. Reference list

matches citations.

Properly cited. May have a few

instances in which proper

citations are missing.

The manuscript lacks proper citations

or includes no citations


• Check-in Before Each Session • Create Research Paper and PowerPoint

Presentation on the Given Research Project • Upload PowerPoint Presentation to the Classroom

Computer Saturday • Practice the Oral and PowerPoint Presentation

Saturday Before You Leave the Classroom – If You Need a USB Drive to Transfer Files, I Have One You Can Borrow

• Upload Research Paper and PowerPoint Presentation to iLearn Before Departing the Residency Weekend – Note: Both Documents Will Be Reviewed by SafeAssign – If an Issue, Contact Me Immediately



• Ensure Each Member of the Group Works on the Research Project

• Ensure Each Member of the Group is Able to Provide the Oral Presentation and is Prepared for Questions



Research Project Topic

• Use the iNTegrity file integrity checking software – Description in Appendix E

• Provide a threat model for the proposed system

• Identify AT LEAST three specific threats – NOT threat types!

– One for data flow, one for data store, one for a process

• Recommend at least two remediations per threat

• Each group will write a paper – Describe each threat

– At least two remediation recommendations for each threat



Research Paper Format

• Papers should follow this general outline: – Introduction

– System description (elaborate on Figure E-6) and BRIEFLY describe iNTegrity

– Identified Threats (at least three) • Justification and explanation

• References

• Impact if not addressed

– Remediation recommendations • At least two remediations per threat

– Conclusions


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