Coursework Assignment Brief
Semester: | Spring 2017 |
Module Code: | PM302 |
Module Title: | Project |
Programme | BSc (Honours) |
Level: | Level 6 |
Awarding Body: | |
Module Leader | |
Format: | Report |
Presentation: | No |
Any special requirements: | All work should be submitted as two hard copies with a Turnitin Report |
Word Limit: | 8,000 (+/- 10%) words for the report and 500 (+/- 10%) words for the personal statement. |
Deadline date for submission: | TBA |
Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment (please note that this is NOT the assessment task) | a) Produce a detailed analysis of the policies to achieve stated corporate objectives of one or more companies, and an examination of the problem of resource acquisitionand deployment relevant to those policies.
b) Provide a relevant literature review on the problems investigated and relate currentmanagement theory to practical recommendations. c) Demonstrate a lucid and logical discourse containing objectives of the project,methodology, relevant literature review, recommendations for action, appropriatereferences and bibliography. |
Percentage of marks awarded for module: | The report is worth 100% |
Assessment criteria | Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria | Maximum marks for each section |
Aims of research | Clearly defined objectives/research questions relevant to aim. Clear focus on aims / objectives maintained throughout. If appropriate, hypotheses defined and explained. | 10% |
Literature review | Thorough review of appropriate secondary sources; relationship between the literature and the project explored (i.e. justification is linked to literature) | (20%) |
Research methodology | Explanation and justification of an appropriate methodology – approach and data collection techniques appropriate to aims and research questions. | (20%) |
Research methodology | Explanation and justification of an appropriate methodology – approach and data collection techniques appropriate to aims and research questions. | (20%) |
Data Analysis | Appropriate analysis of data in the light of the research objectives and questions. Clear and analytical presentation of findings. | (10%) |
Discussion – | Results discussed, highlighting significant findings and comparing theory & practice where appropriate | (10%) |
Conclusions / recommendations | Based on a reasonable interpretation of both the research conducted and the existing literature. | (10%) |
Critical evaluation | Critical evaluation of own work. Areas for further research identified and discussed. | (5%) |
Overall layout and | Presentation is of an acceptable standard, logical and adds value to the document. Appropriate structure. | (5%) |
Reflection | Reflection on programme is detailed and insightful. | (10%) |
Assignment Task
- Analyse one or more strategic problems in a modern business organisation and produce a comprehensive report detailing the objectives, methodologies, findings, analysis, and conclusions of the research carried out above. The minimum word length for the report is 8000 words.
- Analyse the extent to which you have developed your knowledge, throughout the course and how the course and this project has helped your employability. This should be summarised as a personal statement of no more than 500 words and placed in an appendix to the main document.
Total Marks for Assignment: 100
Indicative Content
Aims of research
Define objectives/research questions relevant to aim. Maintain focus on aims/objectives throughout. Define and explain hypotheses. (Worth 10% of marks)
Literature review
Conduct thorough review of appropriate secondary sources. Critically explore relationship between the literature and the project. (Worth 20% of marks)
Research methodology
Explain and justify an appropriate methodology – approach and data collection techniques appropriate to aims and research questions. (Worth 20% of marks)
Data Analysis
Analysis of data in the light of the research objectives and questions. Analytical presentation of findings. (Worth 10% of marks)
Discuss results highlighting significant findings and comparing theory & practice
(Worth 10% of marks)
Conclusions / recommendations
Formulate conclusions and recommendations based on interpretation of both the research conducted and the existing literature.
(Worth 10% of marks)
Critical evaluation
Critically evaluate work. Identify and discuss areas for further research.
(Worth 5% of marks)
Present work to an acceptable standard that is logical and adds value to the document.
(Worth 5% of marks)
Reflect in a detailed and insightful manner.
(Worth 10% of marks)
Marking CriteriaforAssessmentatLevel6(Bachelors DegreewithHonours)
Marks | 0-25(Fail) | 26-39(Fail) | 40-49(3rd) | 50-59(2.2) | 60-69(2.1) | 70-85(1st) | 70-85(1st) | ||||||||
Assessment categories | |||||||||||||||
Knowledge& Understanding of Subject |
Major gapsin knowledgeand
understanding of materialatthis level.Substantial inaccuracies. |
Gapsin knowledge, with onlysuperficial
understanding. Somesignificant inaccuracies. |
Understandingof keyaspectsoffield of study; coherent knowledge, atleast in part informed by currentresearchin thesubject discipline. |
Systematic understanding of
field(s) of study,as indicated by relevantQAA subjectbenchmark statementsfor the degreeprogramme. |
Good understanding ofthefield(s)of
study;coherent knowledge, inline with subject benchmark,atleastin partinformedby currentresearchin thesubjectdiscipline. |
Excellent knowledge andunderstanding of
themainconcepts andkeytheories/ conceptsofthe discipline(s).Clear awarenessofthe limitationsofthe knowledgebase. |
Highlydetailed knowledgeand
understanding ofthe maintheories/concepts ofthediscipline(s), and an awarenessofthe ambiguitiesand limitationsof knowledge. |
Cognitive/ Intellectual Skills
(e.g.analysis andsynthesis; logicand argument; analytical reflection; organisationand communication of ideasand evidence) |
Unsubstantiated generalizations, madewithoutuse
of anycredible evidence.Lackof logic,leadingto unsupportable/ missing conclusions. Lackofany attemptto analyse, synthesise or evaluate.Poor communication of ideas. |
Someevidenceof analytical intellectualskills,
butforthemost part descriptive. Ideas/findings sometimesillogical andcontradictory. Generalized statementsmade with scant evidence. Conclusionslack relevance. |
Evidenceofsome logical, analytical thinkingandsome attemptsto synthesise,albeit with some weaknesses. Someevidenceto supportfindings/ views, but evidence notconsistently interpreted. Somerelevant conclusions |
Evidenceofsome logical, analytical thinkingand
synthesis.Can analysenewand/or abstractdataand situationswithout guidance. An emerging awarenessof differentstances andabilitytouse evidencetosupport the argument. Validconclusions |
Sound,logical, analyticalthinking; synthesisand
evaluation.Abilityto deviseandsustain persuasive arguments,andto reviewthereliability, validity&significance of evidence.Abilityto communicateideas and evidence accuratelyand convincingly. Sound,convincing conclusions. |
Thoroughlylogical work, supportedby judiciouslyselected
and evaluated evidence.Highquality analysis,developed independentlyor through effective collaboration.. Abilityto investigate contradictory informationand identifyreasonsfor contradictions. Strongconclusions. |
Exceptionalwork; judiciouslyselected and evaluated
evidence.Veryhigh qualityanalysis, developed independentlyor through effective collaboration. Abilityto investigate contradictory informationandidentify reasonsfor contradictions. Highlypersuasive conclusions. |
Useof Research- informed Literature (including referencing, appropriate academic conventionsand academic honesty) |
Little evidenceof reading.
Viewsand findings unsupportedand non-authoritative. Academic conventions largelyignored. |
Evidenceoflittle readingand/orof relianceon
inappropriate sources, and/or indiscriminateuse of sources. Academic conventionsused inconsistently. |
Referencestoa rangeofrelevant sources.Some omissionsand minorerrors. Academic conventions evidentandlargely consistent,with minorlapses. |
Knowledge, analysisand evaluationofa
rangeofresearch- informedliterature, includingsources retrieved,analysed independently. Academicskills consistently applied. |
Knowledge,analysis and evaluationofa rangeofresearch-
informedliterature, includingsources retrieved,analysed independentlywith accuracyand assurance. Good academicskills, consistentlyapplied. |
Excellent knowledge of research informed literatureembedded
inthework. Consistent analysis and evaluationof sources.High-level academicskills consistentlyapplied. |
Outstanding knowledge ofresearch-informed literatureembeddedin thework.Consistent analysisand evaluation of sources.High-level academicskills consistentlyand professionallyapplied. | ||||||||
LEVEL6 cont…
GraduateSkills forLifeand Employment
(e.g. research- relatedskills; written, graphical and oral communication skills; groupworking; problem-solving; practical and professionalskills) |
Little or no evidence ofthe
requiredskillsin anyofthe graduateskills identifiedinthe programme specificationat thislevel. |
Limitedevidenceof the graduateskills
identifiedinthe programme specification. Significant weaknesses evident,which suggestthatthe candidate hasnot gainedtheskills necessaryfor graduate-level employment. |
Can competently undertake reasonably straightforward researchtaskswith minimumguidance, butwithminor weaknesses. Cancommunicate inarangeof formats,including orally,atastandard appropriatefor graduate-level employment, and with limited weaknesses. Can generallywork effectivelywithin ateam,negotiating inaprofessional manner and managingconflict. Islargelyconfident and effective in identifying and definingcomplex problemsand applyingknowledge andmethodsto theirsolution. Abletorecognise own strengths andweaknesses inrelationto graduate employment,with minorareasof weakness. |
Can competently undertake reasonably straightforward researchtaskswith minimumguidance Cancommunicate effectivelyina rangeofformats, including orally,at a standard appropriatefor graduate-level employment, and with limited weaknesses. Can consistently work effectively withinateam, negotiatingina professional manner and managingconflict. Isconfidentand flexible in identifying and definingcomplex problemsand applyingknowledge andmethodsto theirsolution. Abletoevaluate own strengths andweaknesses inrelationto graduate employment. |
Can successfully completearangeof research-liketasks, including evaluation, withverylimited external guidance. Cancommunicate well, confidentlyand consistentlyina rangeofformats, including orally,ata standardappropriate for graduate-level employment. Can consistently workverywell withinateam, leading&negotiating inaprofessional manner and managingconflict. Isconfidentand flexible inidentifying anddefiningarange of complex problemsand applyingknowledge andmethodstotheir solution. Abletotakeinitiative inevaluatingown strengthsand weaknessesin relationto graduate- level professionaland practicalskills, and actautonomouslyto developnewareasof skillsasnecessary. |
Canverysuccessfully completearangeof research-liketasks, including evaluation, witha significant degreeofautonomy. Cancommunicate professionallyand confidentlyinarange offormats, atahigh standardappropriate for graduate-level employment. Canwork professionally withinateam, showingleadership skillsasappropriate, managingconflictand meetingobligations. Isprofessionaland flexible in autonomously identifying and definingarangeof complexproblems andapplying knowledgeand methodstotheir solution. Abletoshowinsight andautonomyin evaluatingown strengthsand weaknessesand developing professional and practicalskillsneeded for graduate-level employment. |
Exceptionally successfulinawide rangeofresearch-like tasks,including evaluation,withahigh degreeofautonomy Cancommunicate with an exceptionally highlevelof professionalism,ina rangeofformats, including orally, appropriatefor graduate-level employment. Canwork exceptionallywell andprofessionally withinateam, showingleadership skillsasappropriate, managingconflict,and meetingallobligations. Isexceptionally professional and flexible in autonomously definingandsolving arangeof complex problemsandapplying knowledgeand methodstotheir solution. Outstanding abilityto evaluateown strengthsand weaknesses,showing outstandingattributes for graduate-level employment. |
Marksfor Level6 | 0-25(Fail) | 26-39(Fail) | 40-49(3rd) | 50-59(2.2) | 60-69(2.1) | 70-85(1st) | 86-100(1st) | ||||||||